Monday, October 15, 2012

Blue Book

Darn. Based on this Blue Book I over paid for my 1951 T100...

 The only consolation I have is Flathead Rob WAY over paid for his 1948 Indian Chief

I love that this Blue Book was published by Hap Jones

Kidding aside $1.00 in 1955 would equal $8.45 in 2012
Factoring inflation the adjusted value for a 1948 Chief would be $2,789.20.

Current NADA BB for a clean 1948 Chief is $21,025 - $38,045.

One could almost fool himself into believing hoarding vintage motorcycles is a good investment...

Knuckleheads seem to be the "gold" of the antique motorcycle "economy." I've seen Triumphs clearly drop in value over the last 5 years but Knucks don't seem to have budged an inch.

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