So, something new followed me home last night.

When I found my '51 Tiger I was really looking to build a racing influenced rigid. The '51 was too complete and too historically significant (first alloy engine, first year of the race kit option, close pitch finned alloy cylinder, etc.) to not feel somewhat obligated to restore it. I'm not complaining, it's a super cool bike. I did still have a bit of an itch to build the other bike, just not right away. I was in no hurry to start another project. I did know after riding Chick's lovely '51 Thunderbird if I built another pre-unit I'd want it to be a 650.

That changed when I put English Stephen's pre-unit forks together (damn you Stephen!).
Those forks are almost exactly what I had in mind for the bike I had wanted to build.

One of the most interesting aspects of the duplex frames used on pre-units '60-'62 is that it will take a unit style rigid tail section. I've seen a couple of duplex's with modified pre unit rigid sections and they have a nice stock pre-unit stance.

Incidentally I feel no obligation to restore a '61 T110. In my opinion it's Triumph's styling low point until the
OGLE Design disaster.

The Kingfisher Blue and Silver Sheen color combination is nice though...