Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Happy Days - Musical

Happy Days Musical featuring Pinky Tuscadero and Fonzie's Triumph.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Team Rig

BMX is a blast but traveling to races can be quite a pain. Interstate traffic really blows on the weekends. Parking almost always sucks at events. This guys built his own solution. I've seen loads of single bicycle motorcycle setups over the years but never a two bike. A lot of BMX guys race both a conventional 20" wheeled BMX bike and a 24" cruiser,  hence the two bike rig. Apparently he's also got an HD bagger setup the same way for longer hauls. He mentioned that he'd set the rails up on his bagger with heavy duty pins & sliders so he could get at his bags without removing the bikes. His trip up from Portland was almost faster than our much shorter trip down... Pretty wild.

HD Accessory

Insert your own comment

Thursday, August 25, 2016


More from Rayson's. The meticulously tucked exhaust setup on the TriBSA is pretty amazing.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Mini Ardun OHV

Mini Ardun OHC. This thing is absolutely amazing but I genuinely hope I never have little enough going on I can spend the machine shop time required to build something like this. Sure sounds amazing though.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Dorko Revisited

I've mentioned my Dad's Dorko here before. My Dad has a long history of cars completely devoid of style or appeal (in my eyes) but his Ford Econoline pickup was near the top of the list. I damn near made my Dad drop me off around the corner when he took me places in it. It's only redeeming quality? It hauled motorcycles well. I just can't see their current appeal. Maybe I got my ass cooked sitting in the middle "seat"on the metal engine cover one too many times.

This "Dorko" feels like a practical joke. The lovely Olivia like paint scheme doesn't quite save it for me. Beautiful build quality though.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Chevy Luv

I remember being totally smitten with the 4X4 version of this truck as a kid. It's the reason I drive a small truck today. Best loaded trucks I've ever seen in an ad too.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Dan Woodward

Dan Woodward on his insane reverse head drag bike. Quite bird eating the intake.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Paint By Molly

Here's proof the 1974 Yamaha "Paint By Molly"designed paint scheme gets all the girls. It was never in question for me.
Photo from the Hell on Wheels 2015 calendar shoot.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Friday, August 5, 2016


Stake A Claim

Dirt Quake 2016

I just stumbled across this American Iron story on Dirt Quake. I didn't make it to Dirt Quake this year but evidently Flathead Rob did.
Amidst the menagerie of motorcycles circling the campgrounds at Dirt Quake was the tank-shifter of a Seattle Cossack

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Ran When Parked

1968 Triumph T120R - This '68 Bonneville was stashed away somewhere with on 31 miles on it. It just sold on eBay for $22,500, roughly twice what nicely restored ones see for. If you ever had questions about specific restoration details (exact decal placing, wiring routing, hardware, etc) you might never see a better reference bike. It probably still has 1968 air in the "made in Great Britain" Dunlop K70 tires...

Bikes like this are fascinating but it always makes me a little sad to that they never go enjoyed as a motorcycle.
