Monday, April 18, 2011


This one is cool. Great stance. The polished two-tone tank is sweet and unique. I love the front brake.

47 Triumph

This one needs to be rescued. Maybe a license should be required to get something powder coated.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

C@D Report

The latest bike to make it into the Breeding stable. 1938 UH. All the correct 1938 only bits. He hasn't even told his wife what he paid for it yet. Very, very pretty bike. Breeding was pretty enthusiastic about seeing even tiny cell phone pictures of Hollister.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

BMW F1 vs BMW S1000 RR

I know, it's a road bike not a GP bike. Closest YOU'LL ever come... Ever wonder if driving an F1 is a handful?

Darizt Design

Check out some of the stuff going on at Darizt Design. If you are a builder in Indonesia you build what you can find. I feel more justified in messing around with a small displacement bike and like a total hack at the same time.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Royal Triumph

After watching the news tonight I asked my wife if she gave a crap about watching the Royal Wedding. She doesn't (sorry Stephen). It got me thinking about the T140D Royal Wedding Edition Triumph released in 1981.

They were pretty gaudy.

Out of jest I asked my wife if she thought they'd be doing one for Will & Kate's shindig. Without a moments hesitation she responded "I'm sure they are." She was right. She also said I couldn't buy one. I thought for sure I had a killer "investment" reason to buy a 675. Not too sure I'd want to be seen ridding that one anyway. Still pretty gaudy...

Friday, April 8, 2011

GS Update

Thanks to Brother Justin & Sixx my battery/electronics plate is permanently attached. Justin is gonna start ducking my calls one of these days.

I painted the mounting plate etc., reassembled everything and finished the wiring. I don't think I ever posted any photos since I installed the taillight. I'm gonna run out of ways to avoid doing the paint pretty soon.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Pre-Unit vs Hot Rod


Yet again Officer Squirrelly takes someone out. Why do I find myself wanting to see him win every week? Great rider but the guy is dangerous.

1951 Triumph Tiger

I dropped by the swap meet at PJ's Triumph today and found my next motorcycle for sale, reasonable price. Pretty cool year. First year of the all aluminum engine, close pitch fin head, rigid, sprung hub, nice tank and badging. Loose the nacelle headlight for a Bates and it's done. Just need to organize a fund-raising car wash or something.
