Bill's impeccable CB750 cafe finally made it up on it's own devices. Bill thinks he may have fried his regulator and was running with a total loss charging system today (sorting a new old bike can take a little while). He rode back with us and the bike sounds great. I didn't take too many photos because I posted several before.

Scott(?) pulled in on his HD just as we were leaving. Melanie knows him somehow but I can't remember how. She showed me a picture of this bike once before they moved. I've previously always seen Scott on a cabon-fibered to the hilt Ducati. I like the Triumph tank.

The HD photos don't suck like mine usually do because Stephen took em with his cellphone. Ever notice a good guitarist sounds better on a crap guitar than a shit guitarist sounds on the best Taylor/CF Martin/whatever? Same concept in photography here. Lucky you.