Wednesday, October 16, 2013


A friend at work introduced me to Petrolicious recently. I fell in love with this photo from the Goodwood festival. I have to make it there someday.

1 comment:

Flathead45 said...

This picture reminds me of a personal experience. I had flown from ABQ to Double Eagle with an instructor to practice touch and goes... ABQ clearance delivery reminded us that the airport was NOTAM'ed to be closed for an hour. We asked why. Turns out that a P-40 and a P-51 were practicing an airshow routine for an Air Force General's birthday; he had flown both. My insturctor asked if it would be a problem if we just stayed on the ground and watched. They said sure. So we sat under the wing of our Cessna 172, and enjoyed our own personal airshow. We were the only one watching. The P-51 was the thoroughbred, of course, but that P-40 was so COOL!
