I found a cool oil tank for the Pre-Unit as well. It's identical to the one pictured below.

I wasn't sure what it was from initially. Now I'm fairly certain it's from an early 60's Triumph Tiger Cub. I really like the shape but the size is a little small compared to a standard Pre-Unit rigid 500/650 tank (3 pints vs 6 pints).

Ironically the mounts on the tank I have look like they were made for a Duplex frame. There are guys that have successfully expanded the capacity of Cub tanks to run them on a 650. I'll just have to think about it a little more.
I've been thinking a bit about the the taillight too. I really like the Lucas 477/1 tail lights that were stock on the early 50's Pre-Units.

I like the stock plate holders too. I've been considering chopping a stock plate holder and reshaping it so it would better sit on a bobbed rear fender. This plate holder on the bottom convinced me it might be an idea worth playing with.

You did see what I did with my toger cub tank?
I wish I knew you were looking for one, I have 3
btw if you're taking off parts let me have first dibs, I need quite a few things.
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