Sunday, July 1, 2012

C@D Report

English Stephen and I braved the heat and road up to C@D this morning. Knuclehead Steven was there on the Knuck (Ohio is actually gonna claim that guy one of these days...). Later in the morning we ran into Antoine Predock on a Cagiva Mito 125.

Antoine invited us to go check out a few of his other bikes. Anyone who knows me very well knows I'm an absolute sucker for two strokes. I was completely smitten with the Cagiva after following it for a while. Tiny displacement, smell of premix. tell-tale blue smoke. What's not to like?

Killer Triton racer

1929 Indian 101 Scout

Immaculate Norvil Commando

Velocette Thruxton

Ariel Square Four

I was really impressed with Antoine. He clearly has the means to buy almost any motorcycle he sets his mind to. I don't think I've ever met another guy in that position that so purely loves motorcycles and sharing the ones he has. Cool guy.

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