Haha, I actually dated my Kate beforehand and it didn't work out. Now it's just awkward. Especially when we get notes in rehearsal like "I don't see the attraction between you guys at all up there. It's all business." Flathead, I've been the recipient of more than one rock to the faceplate courtesy of some jackass on a CR 500. :)
Lots of times I wish I still had Milo's old '78 YZ250. It was more bike than I could handle, but sure was fun...
I miss my bike. The rooster tails, the wheelies, the jumps. The pants. Those colorful Kawasaki pants.
BLAM, I was typically on the receiving end of Bitmonkey's rooster tails!
Only payback for all the times I was on the receiving end of Flathead45 pink-bellies.
Hey, you guys are both bastards and now you've both played Petruchio. Coincidence?
I've heard Petruchio always ends up nailing Kate after the wrap party... is that true?
Where there's a "Will", there is a way...
Haha, I actually dated my Kate beforehand and it didn't work out. Now it's just awkward. Especially when we get notes in rehearsal like "I don't see the attraction between you guys at all up there. It's all business." Flathead, I've been the recipient of more than one rock to the faceplate courtesy of some jackass on a CR 500. :)
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