I stumbled across this photo last night; it tells a whole story to somebody with an imagination. Might it be a WWII Triumph?
"Dateline Normandy: French Resistance fighter comes to aid of wounded dispatch rider... After making quick field repairs to the Tommie's iron steed, the enterprising but exhausted Frenchman manages to escape the pursuing stormtroopers, and safely slips through enemy lines to get the warning to General Eisenhower just in time. When asked if he wants a hot meal or some coffee, he replies, "Non, just a croissant and half a liter of 80-wt sil vous plais... I must get back to the war..."
Cool picture. I wasted loads of time trying to confirm exactly what this bike is. civilian Triumphs are OHV pretty far back. I thought this might be a military Triumph TRW but it sorta looks like it might be a single cylinder. TRW's have a headlight nacelle too but the gauge visible might be in the right position if the nacelle was removed. Wish I had access to real Triumph guy.
I found out what it is. It's a BSA M-20. At least I was right about it being British...
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