Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"Hey, wanna see my 50?"

V is ridiculously stoked about the PW50. I've been watching for one for a little over a year. Every time one pops up that I can afford it's gone before I can get to it. Huge thanks to all the Seattle Uncles for their help!


Flathead45 said...

Put some gas in it tonite just to hear it run. Rode it a bit just to see how it ran. can't figure out where to put my legs...

Cool bike, V...

Flathead45 said...

Please tell V that I couldn't resist the urge to give the 50 a bath (to try out my Simple Green). Cleaned up pretty nice.

Taking all my willpower to resist starting to restore it.

BitMonkey said...

Do what you want, I'm pretty confident there'll still be some left for us to work on. He just wants to ride it!

V says he wants it red & blue. I see a blue body kit in my future.

BLAM said...

Nice! For a minute, there, I thought he was doing a reverse wheelie in that first pic.
