Friday, October 9, 2009

Vaughn's New Ride

This is what Vaughn picked out at the grocery store today. He mumbled something about maiden year Knucks being buggy but that he'd take it since the store was too lame to have a Crocker. I wasn't really sure what he was talking about.


Flathead45 said...

Tell him to be sure to put down some kitty litter or something underneath it... I am very please to know he's got such fine taste.

One of the Cossacks, Al Gelvin, died earlier this week, out near Cannon Beach. He lost control of his Harley on a sharp curve, and slide under a truck.

Ride safe.

BitMonkey said...

Wow. Sorry to hear about that.

I'm still really cognizant of the risks every time I get on my bike and ride really defensively.

I don't mean to come across as morbid but I'm more at peace thinking about going on the bike than keeling over in the office, which has happened to two guys I know near our age in the last year. Give the chance I'll choose becoming an old man in any case.

No riding for me... I'm still healing. I'm going nuts.
