Saturday, September 3, 2016

Wall of Death - Lawless HD Renton

We made the trek down to Lawless HD in Renton to see Charlie Ransom and the American Motor Drome Co. Wall of Death show.
It was an incredible show and everyone with the show was incredibly friendly and cool. Charlie clearly has the same brand of motorcycle nostalgia obsession Flathead Rob and I do. I think he had as much respect for the Seattle Cossacks and what they do as Rob did for what they do.
Reckless Rita & Hobo Bill work the midway
I've been trying to convince anyone that would listen that the Cossacks need to add rollers to their pre-show (with no real takers). This absolutely convinced me I have to try them though. Maybe if I build them they will come.

Unbelievably I got to watch the Wall of Death pre-show warm up from the inside. So cool!
Spawn of Bitmonkey, Bitmonkey and Charlie Ransom
 We saw the show on the last day. Charlie had a broken are, the show has a very small staff and breaking everything down is a huge job. Rob rallied some guys (thanks Brandon and JD) and we helped out a little. If you've been considering running away and joining the circus let it be known their might be more physical labor involved than typically appears in folklore.
Rob makes Brandon do "chores" away from home too
JD works the pole
If the show comes anywhere near you it's a must see. What an awesome group of people incredibly dedicated to keeping a historical legacy alive.

Reckless Rita
Charlie and Reckless Rita - Australian Pursuit
Charlie tries Rob's Chief on for size. Charlie kept trying to convince me Olivia was the perfect Wall bike...

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