Sunday, September 28, 2014


I ran into Billy from Hellmuts at DirtQuake this summer this summer and he asked me if I'd be interested in having Olivia featured in Show Class magazine. I agreed to it but we never got around to arranging a photoshoot until today. Fellow Triumph guy Mark Kirkland is the photographer Billy arranged. It was a fun shoot and Mark seems like a good guy. He shot the whole thing in film. It'll be interesting to see what he got once the film is developed. So what's best tribute to a talented photographer? Posting my shi*tty photos of him shooting Olivia.

To support the perfect ambiance Tacoma PD were onsite busting a couple of homeless guys for most for of the shoot.

1 comment:

Moto Messiah said...

I use the same spot to shoot my bikes .. Real Tacoma ..
