I was playing just this game with my magneto last night at about midnight. I'd dismantled and spent quite a bit of time cleaning and detailing everything , put it back together and was just cleaning a couple of final casting parts with a little brake cleaner. Without really thinking about it I inadvertently rolled the mag wheel over as I turned the assembly and WOOF! Paper towel, brake cleaner fumes and everything went up. Not a big deal to put the small fire out but it woke me up alright. I immediately thought "Oh yeah, magnetos make sparks without requiring a battery etc. Behaving exactly as designed." Never claimed I was smart when I'm tired. I went to bed without cleaning the resulting soot and crap off the housing...
Just to clarify, the smoky haze hanging over Albuquerque last night was the product of an Arizona forest fire, not my mag troubles.
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